Friday, December 21, 2007

That Time of the Year

It's that time of the year, well almost, when parts of the world go crazy over shopping and picking out an ideal party to attend. Christmas I don't celebrate, for me it's just another day on which I get bored and sleep a lot. Then there's New Year's, on which I'm not partying because I don't have company to party with and I don't have permission either. In fact New Year's is overrated, nothing good ever comes of it, I'm generally depressed or thinking too much about all that went wrong (trust me lots go wrong every year). Then to top it all up, twenty-three days after New Year's comes my birthday, the one day in my life on which I wish I could stop existing, something almost always goes wrong on my birthday (last year was an exception).

On a brighter note, I'm at home and I'm having fun and getting bored at the same time. Met up with friends recently and had so much fun! I had pizza and garlic bread for dinner yesterday, heaven on a triangular piece of dough...

Life doesn't always kick you in the ass, sometimes it misses.

1 comment:

Vaishnavi said...

Sometimes it a punch in the face, sometimes a sucker punch and then when it misses, you're all the happier.

On a happier note - it is indeed the season to be jolly. The christmas decorations everywhere are just spreading the spirit. Its all lovely!