Sunday, December 23, 2007

Buckle shoes, bow shoes, pretty pointy-toe shoes...

As part of my vacation saga, I present a shoe-y story. While others may have bad hair days, or bad something else weeks, I apparently have "bad shoe months" (so christened by So, this is what a bad shoe month is - you ruin four pairs of perfectly good shoes, for no fault of your own! How does one ruin FOUR pairs of shoes? How can that happen?!

Here is how -
Day 1: Land in Hyderabad. First pair of shoes inexplicably snap.

Next few days are good on the shoe front.

Day 8: Second pair of shoes are ruined, and how! I found a piece of a hacksaw blade through one of them while walking home.

Another couple of good days, until... a double attack!
Day 22: My beloved floaters are ruined. While on the footpath in begumpet, one just broke!

Day 23: And this time, it could possibly, probably, perhaps, maybe be partially my fault. I insisted on standing on this tiny patch of rock in a pond and slipped and my poor poor leather jutis got all wet.


1 comment: said...

I'm sorry but I find the hacksaw thing really funny, i mean you never realized until you got home!! Otherwise of course you should be more careful, luckily it didn't hurt your leg...

wish you luck with the rest of the month...:)