Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Woodchuck Chronicles

"How much wood would a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck could chuck wood?"

After being ridiculed in such a degrading manner, the Woodchucks put together a committee to take down all the likes of those who refuse to worship them. It all started off when the Woodchucks realized that they were the only animals who weren't worshiped, and to protest against the unfairness of the world, they asked the Animal Rights Foundation (ARF) to fund bazookas so that they could kill off their predators. Little did the ARF know that not only would these bazookas be used for killing off predators, but also for forcing the human race to worship these little critters. The Woodchucks have decided that the only to bring salvation to their species is to take over the world. So humans, now who's the hunted?

The First Commandment: "Thou shalt be good else the wrath of the Woodchucks shall fall upon thee..."

Oh Woodchuck Gods, I pray thee bestow thy love and forgiveness upon us...and allow us to destroy those who deny thy existence.

Oh Woodchuck Gods, look upon us with kindness and place us not on the wrong, but the right side of thy bazookas, and allow us to assist thee in thy quest to take over the world.
